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"Coming Full Circle" - Tour and Apéro at Zurich Airport

Published on 13.05.2022 by The Australian Swiss Chamber of Commerce

Together with our valued corporate member, Singapore Airlines, who are celebrating 50 years in Switzerland & Germany this year, we were delighted to host our members and friends at Zurich Airport for an exclusive tour of the recently completed "Circle" project, the architecturally striking complex of retail, business, accommodation and healthcare buildings at Zurich Airport.

The tour included the Convention Centre, the Sky Platform and a rare visit to the offices of Singapore Airlines. In 2019, we gave our members a 'behind the scenes' tour of The Circle during its construction  - this event, appropriately titled "Coming Full Circle", gave our guests the opportunity to see the finished product.

Pictured are the guests at the Convention Centre, with Sabine Pittrof, Chair of the German Australian Business Council joining the event. 

Following the tour, guests enjoyed an apéro at the Bar Iris in the Hyatt Regency Zurich Airport. 

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"Coming Full Circle" - Tour and Apéro at Zurich Airport

, 13 May 2022

Together with our valued corporate member, Singapore Airlines, who are celebrating 50 years in Switzerland & Germany this year, we were delighted to host our members and friends at Zurich Airport for an exclusive tour of the recently completed "Circle" project, the architecturally striking complex of retail, business, accommodation and healthcare buildings at Zurich Airport.

"Coming Full Circle" - Tour and Apéro at Zurich Airport

, 12 May 2022

Together with our valued corporate member, Singapore Airlines, we are delighted to invite our members and friends to Zurich Airport for an exclusive tour of the recently completed "Circle" project, the architecturally striking complex of retail, business, accommodation and healthcare buildings at Zurich Airport. In 2019, we gave our members a 'behind the scenes' tour of The Circle during its construction - now it's ready for you to fully enjoy!

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Australian Business in Europe (ABIE) brings together multiple organisations representing Australian and Australian-interested organisations across Europe with the shared objective of growing and strengthening the trade, investment, business and diplomatic ties between the two regions.

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